Do you or someone you know suffer from burning pain in your hands or feet? Neuropathy is a result of damage to your peripheral nervous system, which transmits information from your brain and spinal cord to every other part of your body. Many people often experience pain, usually in their hands and feet. Symptoms can rage from mild to disabling, depending on the severity of the nerve damage. Diabetics are extremely susceptible to neuropathic pain, due to having high blood sugar (glucose) which at high levels can be toxic throughout the body. Neuropathy can also result from traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic abnormalities and chemotherapy. People with neuropathy generally describe their pain as cramping, muscle weakness, stabbing, spasms, burning or tingling.
The National Institutes of Health estimates more than 20 million people suffer from neuropathy.
Early diagnosis and treatment offer the best chance of controlling your symptoms and preventing further damage to your peripheral nerves. Our specialists at El Paso Pain Center are experts and highly experienced in treating peripheral neuropathy. Call now to discuss various options on how to treat your neuropathic pain, we can help!